Doodle Analytics


Event Tracking Webhook
Every time your system recieves an analytics event forward it to the webhook.
You need to integrate it and send true/false per field so you can validate what is considered a null value and we will never touch any pii
Headers: Content-Type: application/json X-Api-Key: {API_KEY}
Body: { "eventName": "string", "platform": "string", "build": "string", "payload": { "field_1": true, "field_2": true, "field_3": false } }
eventName (required) - if it does not exist in the system it is created as a draft if it does we update the fields.
platform (optional) [default = "unkown"] - more detailed breakdown
build (optional) [default = "0.0.0"] - used to group and compare changes
payload.{field_name} [default = false] - send false for a null/empty value send true for a valid value
Doodle Analytics
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